Last night I was stalking around in my Google Analytics, checking out my blog stats. Basically, I was making a study of my statistics since I installed Analytics, which was back when I was posting regularly (before I took that nice little month long-ish break from writing) all the way up to the present.
It was interesting to notice my averages when I was posting a lot, then then I wasn't posting at all, and now how they've been making a pretty speedy recovery since I've been posting again. Pretty neat, really, and inspiring. When I post I'm getting a good response, and I noticed that even in between posts, there's SOME traffic. Which is definitely a feel good, smile inducing kinda thing to notice.
As I was smiling over this, just sorta being grateful for everyone's interest and support, I clicked to another page and my stats updated...My numbers from the day before came in. AND BURIED ALL THE PREVIOUS NUMBERS! Basically, the day I posted Hiatus and Abandon, I got my highest number of readers in one day, ever. PLUS...My bounce rate dropped dramatically, which means people are reading more and staying longer...WooooHooooooo!!!!
I knew that my Abandon post was stirring a lot of stuff up for people, not only was I getting blog comments, I was receiving posts on FaceBook, Myspace, Instant Messenger, InTheRooms and even Twitter. It would be awesome if all the comments related to a particular blog post could be posted on the blog itself, simply because I'd like to keep track of everyone's feedback in an organized manner....Regardless, it means so much to me I'll take it anyway I can get it. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
However, in the spirit of blogging and simplicity, I would like to ask that, at the risk of sounding ungrateful and bitchy, in the future, everyone PLEASE leave any feedback/comments related to my blog...ON MY BLOG. That's what it's there for, honestly, and it means a lot to me to be able to go back and re-read those comments later...So please, don't stop letting me know what you think! Your investment into my writing is priceless to me!
Also on the topic of blogs and simplicity, I am, and have been, well aware that subscribing to / following my blog hasn't been the easiest for some of my readers! So, I did some work on the functionality and user-friendliness of my blog last night, as a gift...From me to you. So now you don't HAVE to have a Google account to follow my writing anymore..Although that still works for all of you who already subscribed that way. I just added a few other options for people to choose from when they decide to stalk my blog.
The first thing I did was install an email form on the right side of the page, which allows you to subscribe to my blog simply by putting your email address (any email will work) in the box and pressing "Subscribe." After you do that, you will probably have to type in a CAPTCHA to ensure you're not a machine, but that's it! From then on, anytime I post a blog or an update, you will receive an email with the details, directly in your own inbox. This option is for all my lazy stalkers...I know you're out there!
The other addition is my new RSS button, so you can "Stalk my RSS." There's a number of ways to follow my RSS...For example, you can subscribe using an RSS reader, OutLook or AppleMail, Google, Flock Browser, etc. You'll figure it out, it's the melty ice cube looking red RSS feedicon, just under My Stalkers and right by the email form. So, if you are a FeedReader, grab my RSS and enjoy it! There's plenty of my RSS to go around, and it should be a lot of fun!
So basically, there's no reason anyone should have issues subscribing anymore. You can subscribe via Google, AIM, RSS, the email of your choice, etc etc. Please subscribe if you enjoy my blog, and comment whenever you're inspired! Whether you like what you're reading or not...Either way, I love the feedback.
And of course, thank you all again, so very much! Your support and encouragement is truly amazing, it means more than I can put into words. I appreciate and love each and every one of you...And that's all for now! So go subscribe, over to your right, before you go...Do it, do it! <3
Girl, ya gotta tell me how you did all that! You've been busy!
I also noticed you've been faving a lot on DA. Added another fave for the bullet proof vest, did we? Heheheheh. ;-)
favs-because i wanted to make sure all the shots of me were on my page....i showed them to my web design guy.
i'll just give you all the code, etc for this, and a list of things to add like feedburner, analytics, etc. it's really easy when you get he hang of it....
you are so rad Jamie...much luv<3
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