Alright, I've finally arrived. This has been nagging my brain for quite a while, and I've been thinking about doing it much longer than I've been talking about doing it, so I finally got off my procrastinating ass and started a blog. A REAL blog, not a MySpace Blog or some Notes on FaceBook...Well, this obviously isn't a self hosted blog or anything, but it's definitely better than what I had...Anyways, here I am. Honey......I'm home.........
Allow me to introduce myself. Good day, my name is Jamie Lee. I'm 31, living in SoCal for the last 9 years. Grew up in SouthWest Iowa...The HeartLand, or so they say. But that's a different story all together. A story for another day. Welcome to my blog, I'll be writing about a variety of topics, basically, whatever inspires me. This is my personal blog, and most of what I post here will be related to my life, what I am currently going through, and what I have experienced in the past. Sometimes I have a lot to say, and other times I get a little reclusive. But no matter what, I always speak from the heart.
So, this is just a short introduction, and after this I am going to post some things I have written in the past, I want to centralize all of my writing in one place. I hope you enjoy, please leave comments and let me know you stopped by, constructive criticism is always welcome. So don't just come here and lurk around like a creep, that's just no fun. =^) Cheers!
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